An organization of the Elginkan Community, MATEL Hammadde Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş. was established in 1980 in order to meet the raw material demand of the Community companies. Having completed its organization within time, MATEL found and commissioned new mine sites, and continued growing by making sale to extra Community companies and abroad in accordance with the philosophy of the Elginkan Community and emphasized great importance on the concept of quality.
In the first years of its foundation, MATEL continued its mine production by means of small scale quarry management in Bilecik, Balıkesir and Muğla regions. Following inclusion of mines produced in the scope of mining law in 1985, it started mineral research and survey activities at larger scale, and detected large mineral reserves. MATEL ensured use of syenite material as raw material input in ceramic sector in Turkey for the first time. We continue our R&D works in order to enrich and cleanse of impurity the synenite material, which is used as raw material in floor tile production, and make sure that it is used more widely.
We detected the need to produce standard and quality processed raw material since economically procurable raw material reserves were declining, and the added value obtained from all-in raw material production and sales was low. We envisaged to process current raw materials and introduce processed raw materials with higher added value for with the purpose of producing standard and quality raw material required by the industry, and guided our investments in line with that.
We established Clay Filtering Facility with a capacity of 10.000 tons/year in 1989 in Bilecik region, where there are many ceramic factories, and increased its capacity up to 50.000 tons/year in 2000. Filtered clay produced with our MASK certified brand in our facility is greatly recognized in the sector. MATEL gained acceleration in growth upon takeover of the clay, coal and sand mine site in İstanbul-Şile region in 1990.
We established mineral grinding and preparation facility with a capacity of 100.000 tons/year for export purposes in Muğla-Milas region in 1993 and promoted its capacity up to 250.000 tons/year in 1999 in line with the increase in export amount.
In 1995, we established a fully-fledged laboratory capable of conducting all analyses required for ceramic industry and all kinds of chemical, mineralogical and physical analyses in Bilecik. In the laboratory, we perform required in-company quality controls and also meet the laboratory demands of other companies in the region, and conduct intensive R&D works on industrial raw materials.
We established silica sand filtering facility with a capacity of 40.000 tons/year in Bilecik in 1997 in order to be used ceramic, casting, chemical adhesive and cleaning products sector, and hard mineral micronized milling facility with a capacity of 75.000/year in 2000. We mill Quartz, K-Feldspar and Na-Feldspat at desired quality and sizes in our micronized milling facility. Since the quartz produced is directly milled following magnetic separation without subjection to grinding process, it does not contain any iron from grinding system and therefore, is preferred.
We established in 2005 our Silica Sand Washing and Grading Facility with a capacity of 300.000 tons/year in order to earn the silica sand reserves in our mine site in İstanbul Şile to our economy, and it continues its operation with full capacity.
MATEL merged with Serel in 2008 and the power the both companies had separately was brought together. We accelerated the growth through the synergy created. Moreover, with the soft mineral micronized milling facility completed in 2012, MATEL overcame its deficiencies in this area and took the first step of its new investments.
ISO 9001: Having 2008 Quality Management System Certificate, MATEL produces raw material for ceramic, glass and cement industries with 16 mine sites located in 8 different cities across the country (Clay, Kaolin, Silica Sand, Coal, Na Feldspar, K Feldspar and Syenite), and its mineral grinding and preparation facilities with a total capacity of 750.000 tons, and exports 25% of its production. With 25 million tons clay reserve, MATEL has a significant portion of the clay reserve of Turkey. Syenite mineral reserve owned solely by MATEL is 20 million tons. It has 5 million tons feldspar mineral reserve, 15 million tons Silica Sand reserve and 4 million tons Kaolin mineral reserve.
MATEL aims to be reliable by considering varying customer demands, improve its quality level and ensure its continuation, and offer parallel service / product by following technological developments.
While MATEL works to achieve its targets, it regards leading in development of mining of our country and protecting the environment during its activities as an expression of the responsibility and respect of the society it lives in. MATEL has certified the importance it attaches to the environment by winning İstanbul Chamber of Commerce 2000 environmental award.